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Father of the Nation(Quaid e Azam Muhammas Ali Jinnah)

 Quaid e Azam Muhammzad Ali Jinnah is the founder of Pakistan. He was born on 25th December,1876 in Karachi.His father's name was Poonja Jinnah.He was a famous business man.Quaid e Azam completed his early education from Sindh Madrasa- tul-Islam.He was efficient and hard working student.He used to study late at night.Quaid -e-Azam belived if he did not wirk hard he would never be able to achieve his set target.

He completed his Law education from Lincoln's  Inn Institution of London in two years.He joined this institution only for one reason because the name of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم) was written on the top of law givers of the world.After completing his degree ,Quaid-e-Azam started his law practice.He won a good reputation as a lawyer.Once a man tried to give extra money to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as a gift but he refused saying,"I have taken my fee and now have no right to take a part what is rightfully yours".

He came in politics in 1906 AD.He belivered that the Muslisms and the Hindus of the Subcontient should fight together for their independence.Later on,he came to know about the insincerity of Hindus.Then he started working for the independence and freedom  of the Muslims from the British and Hindus's rule.

He faced harsh opposition of the British and the Hindus.The Muslims of Subcontinent gave him the title of "Quaid-e-Azam".His sincere efforts and determination brought Pakistan into being as the great Muslim state.After the creation of Pakistan,He passed away on 11th September 1948.

It is in his leadership that the Muslims of the subcontient struggles hard and achieved a seperate homeland,Pakistan

For this reason,He is known as "Father of the Nation."

Quaid-e-Azam tomb is situated in Karachi,Pakistan. 👇👇👇


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