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The summery on the poem "Peace" by Dr.Hartmann



Peace is the secret of the

prosperity of the world.

The poem is  written by a famous poetessDr.Silvia HartmannHis poetry is simple but profounds in thoughts. Her favourite themes are nature and the hardships of the poor. This poem also shows the poetess's pure delight.

"Peace" is a metaphorical poem. The whole poem works as a single metaphor. It is about the wind. In the first stanza, the wind is presented as a devil. It destroys every beautiful thing. In the second stanza,wind becomes a lover uttering sweet whispers. Thus the personification of the wind lends beauty to the poem.

Wind teaches lessons

 through different forms.

The wind is now

A roaring, smashing

Monster of destruction,

Raking all man's work

From the valleys,

From the vales,

And sends them spinning,

Broken pieces-

The second stanza depicts the graceful aspect of nature. Here wind has taken the form of a gentle breeze.It utters soft whispers. Then the poet says that the reality of wind lies in its gentleness and peace. The sunny sky looks very beautiful. The faint whispers of breeze can be heard from a distance.

Its center is in truth

Eternal stillness

Bright blue skies

And all you hear

Are gentle whispers

Far away

And unimportant.





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