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The summery on the poem "Peace" by Dr.Hartmann

  Peace Peace is the secret of the prosperity of the world . The poem is  written by a famous poetess ,  Dr.Silvia Hartmann .  His poetry is simple but profounds in thoughts. Her favourite themes are  nature and the hardships of  the  poor . This poem also shows the poetess's pure delight. "Peace" is a metaphorical poem. The whole poem works as a single metaphor. It is about the  wind . In the first stanza, the wind is presented as a devil . It destroys every beautiful thing. In the second stanza,wind becomes a lover uttering sweet whispers. Thus the personification of the wind lends beauty to the poem. Wind teaches lessons   through different forms . The wind is now A roaring, smashing Monster of destruction, Raking all man's work From the valleys, From the vales, And sends them spinning, Broken pieces- The second stanza depicts the graceful aspect of nature. Here wind has taken the form of a gentle breeze ....

Summery on the poem "The Rain" by W.H.Davis.

  Summery in the poem "The Rain" by W.H.Davis . The Rain Rain is the grace, rain is the sky condescending to the earth. Without rain, there would be   no life. { John Updike } " The  Rain" is a beautiful poem which has been written by a famous poet,  W.E.Davis . He is the poet of nature. His poetry is simple but profound in his thoughts. His favorite themes are nature and the hardships of the poor. The poem shows the simple sight of rain . It shows the refreshing impact of rain. The rain falls on the top thick leaves. These thick leaves drip the rainwater drop after drop on the lower thin leaves. The top thick leaves symbolize rich people . The lower thin leaves symbolize poor people . As the poet says; I hear leaves drinking rain; I hear rich leaves on top Giving the poor beneath Drop after drop; The rich give a little to the poor people. It is a pinching situation. This situation causes stress for the poet. However, after the rain th...

The Mountain and the Squirrel by Ralph Waldo Emerson

  The mountain and the squirrel Had a quarrel And the for, er called the latter “Little Pring” Bun replied, You are doubtless very big; But all sort of things and weather Must be taken in together To make up a year And a sphere. And I think it no disgrace To occupy my place. If I’m not so large as you, You are not so small like I, And not half so spry: I’ll not deny you make A very pretty squirrel. Talents differ; all is well and wisely put; If I cannot carry forests on my back,

Chal Bulleya by Ali Zafar


Father of the Nation(Quaid e Azam Muhammas Ali Jinnah)

 Quaid e Azam Muhammzad Ali Jinnah is the founder of Pakistan. He was born on 25th December,1876 in Karachi.His father's name was Poonja Jinnah.He was a famous business man.Quaid e Azam completed his early education from Sindh Madrasa- tul-Islam.He was efficient and hard working student.He used to study late at night.Quaid -e-Azam belived if he did not wirk hard he would never be able to achieve his set target. He completed his Law education from Lincoln's  Inn Institution of London in two years.He joined this institution only for one reason because the name of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم) was written on the top of law givers of the world.After completing his degree ,Quaid-e-Azam started his law practice.He won a good reputation as a lawyer.Once a man tried to give extra money to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as a gift but he refused saying,"I have taken my fee and now have no right to take a part what is rightfully yours". He came in ...

Introduction of Elements

 Elements: In the early ages,only nine elements (carbon,gold,silver,tin,mercury,lead ,copper,iron and sulphur) were known. At that time it was considered that elements were the substance that could not br broken down into simple units by ordianary chemical processes.Until the end of nineteenth century sixty three elements had been discovered.Now 118 elements have been discovered,out of which 92 are naturally occuring elements.Modern defination of elements is : It is a substance made up of some type of atoms,having same atomic number and cannot be decomposed into simple substances by ordinary chemical means. It means that each element is made uo of unique type of atoms that have very specific properties. Elememts occur in nature in free or combined form.All the natually occuring elements found in the world have different percentage in the earth's crust,oceans and atomsphere.  Elements may be soilds,liquid and gases.Majority of the elements exist as soilds e.g. sodium,copper,zin...