Peace Peace is the secret of the prosperity of the world . The poem is written by a famous poetess , Dr.Silvia Hartmann . His poetry is simple but profounds in thoughts. Her favourite themes are nature and the hardships of the poor . This poem also shows the poetess's pure delight. "Peace" is a metaphorical poem. The whole poem works as a single metaphor. It is about the wind . In the first stanza, the wind is presented as a devil . It destroys every beautiful thing. In the second stanza,wind becomes a lover uttering sweet whispers. Thus the personification of the wind lends beauty to the poem. Wind teaches lessons through different forms . The wind is now A roaring, smashing Monster of destruction, Raking all man's work From the valleys, From the vales, And sends them spinning, Broken pieces- The second stanza depicts the graceful aspect of nature. Here wind has taken the form of a gentle breeze ....